Art Under the Oaks at Birkdale Village.
WHO: Joyce Vukela-Mayer
WHAT: July Featured Artist
WHEN: Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Mornings in July, 8 AM to 10 AM
WHERE: The Big Screen in Birkdale Village, Huntersville, NC

Solo Show at The Gallery at LOOM
WHO: Joyce Vukela-Mayer
WHAT: Artist Reception, Abstract Rusted Steel Artist
WHEN: June 17, 6-8 PM
WHERE: The Gallery at Loom
(Red Brick Building)
Downtown Fort Mill, SC
120 Academy Street
Fort Mill, SC 29715
PHONE: 803-548-5666

TEPHRA ICA Arts Festival
Be sure to visit Booth 814 located on Library Road between Market Street and Democracy Dr. where I will have my unique reactive (rusted) paintings on steel.

I am happy to announce that I am a recipient of the North Carolina Arts Council Artist Support Grant. As a result, this project received support from the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of North Carolina, the Burke Arts Council, the Caldwell Arts Council, the United Arts Council of Catawba County, the Rock School Arts Foundation, the Hiddenite Center, Iredell Arts Council, and McDowell Arts Council Association.
High Point Market
April 22-26, 2023
Booth M-5025
The art of Joyce Vukela-Mayer will be featured in the Vivid Metal Print Booth located here:
Suites At Market Square - M-5025,
Pink area on Map
MezzanineShuttle Stop: 14 (Red/GreenLine)
Neighborhood: Market Square & Elm
More information:

Guild of Charlotte Artists Presents Guest Speaker - Joyce Vukela-Mayer

WHO: Joyce Vukela-Mayer
WHAT: Reactive Painting on Steel
WHEN: March 22, 2022, 7 PM
WHERE: Mint Museum Randolph
Ivey Room
2730 Randolph Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
Public Invited